Monday, March 08, 2021

STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Algebra I, May 2017, cont.

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exam, administered MAY 2017.

More STAAR problems.

Administered May 2017

Read each question carefully. For a multiple-choice question, determine the best answer to the question from the four answer choices provided. For a griddable question, determine the best answer to the question.

46. The graph of a quadratic function is shown on the grid

Which equation best represents the axis of symmetry

F y = 6
G x = 2
H y = 4
J x = 0

Answer: G x = 2
The Axis of Symmetry is the vertical line that would run down the middle of the parabola through the vertex, the turning point. That occurs when x = 2.

47. If p(x) = 5(x2 + 1) + 16, what is the values of p(11)

A 690
B 736
C 622
D 626

Answer: D 626

p(11) = 5(112 + 1) + 16
= 5(121 + 1) + 16
= 5(122) + 16
= 610 + 16
= 626

58. The graphs of lines k1 and k2 are shown on the grid.

Which system of equations is best represented by this graph?

F 3x - y = 2 ; 4x + 9y = 36
G 3x - y = 6 ; 4x + 9y = 4
H x - 3y = -18 ; 9x + 4y = 9
J x y + = 10 ; 9x + 4y = 13

Answer: F 3x - y = 2 ; 4x + 9y = 36
Line k1 has a positive slope. It has y-intercept of -2 and x-intercept of less than 1. There is another point at (1,1). It's slope is +3 (three units rise, 1 unit run).
Line k2 has a negative slope. It has y-intercept of 4 and x-intercept of 9. It's slope is -4/9.

In Choices H and J, the slope of the second line is -9/4, not -4/9. Eliminate these.

In Choice F, 3(0) - (-2) = 2 and 3(1) - 1 = 2.
Additionally, 4(0) + 9(4) = 36 and 4(9) + 9(0) = 36.
Choice F is the correct answer.

Choice G has the same left hand sides as F, but the right hand sides are too small. This can be eliminated.

49. Which statement about the graph of y = (1/3)(2/3)x is true?
Which inequality best represents the domain of the part shown?

A The graph has a vertical asymptote.
B The graph crosses the y-axis at (0, 2/9 ).
C The graph has an asymptote at y = 1/3.
D The graph decreases from left to right.

Answer: D The graph decreases from left to right.
Exponential functions do not have vertical asymptotes. Eliminate Choice A.

When x = 0, y = 1/3, not 2/9. When x = 1, y = 2/9. Eliminate Choice B.

When x = 0, y = 1/3, so y = 1/3 is NOT an asymptote.

The rate is less than one, so the graph will decrease from left to right: 1/3, 2/9, 4/27, etc.

50. The table represents some points on the graph of a linear function.

Which equation represents the same relationship?

F y + 268 = 1/12(x + 20)
G y + 20 = 1/12(x + 268)
H y + 268 = 12(x + 20)
J y + 20 = 12(x + 268)

Answer: H y + 268 = 12(x + 20)
(-20, -268) is a point on the line, with 20 being the x coordinate. So eliminate Choices G and J.

It comes down to whether the slope is 12 or 1/12.

m = (-40 - -124) / (-8 - -1)
= 84 / 7
= 12
Which is Choice H.

More to come. Comments and questions welcome.

More STAAR problems.

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