Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pre-Christmas Problems

(Click on the comic if you can't see the full image.)

(C)Copyright 2020, C. Burke. "AnthroNumerics" is a trademark of Christopher J. Burke and (x, why?).

You're not starting a new topic. And youre probably not really reviewing any old topics either.

In years past, my love for this time of year usually shines through. This year? Too many irons on the fire? Maybe a little uninspired? I don't know. I've had thoughts written down, but creating them doesn't always seem to happen.

On the other hand, I'm happy with how my reindeer and sled came out. Yes, they're based on clip art images, but they are my own. And there will be one, maybe two more Christmas comics by Friday. I hope.

Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.

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