To all my Christian readers, have a Blessed Easter Sunday.
To the rest of my readers, replace "Blessed" with "Really Nice" at your leisure.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Easter 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Easter Egg Puzzle
Sure, you could make 24 pink eggs but that would take four times as long as using all six colors. Granted, the activity is designed for an evening of family fun, but not a late-night of family fun!
And that's not counting the double-dipping!
(My apologies to anyone who clicked on the link expecting an actual puzzle. You're welcome to answer the question, but I fear you'll have to fill in more of the parameters yourself.)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Slice of Pi
My spoof of ''Life of Pi'' turned into a horror movie.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
St. Patrick's Day 2013
Scared the snakes out of Ireland. And a lot of other things.
This should have posted on Sunday, but I was away and couldn't do anything about it.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Pi Day 2013
Approximate, more or less. As you value your life or your reason keep away from the more.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sixteen Ounces
"I'm sorry, but you're 0.9 over the legal limit. You'll have to come along with me."
Update: It was already in the queue when that judge struck it down. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
Now, for the record, I was waiting until the last minute so it would be topical. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
College of Cardinals
In Italian, you'd combine papa and patata, and get papata.
Does black smoke means someone burned the patatas?
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Help Finding a Link?
According to Google Analytics, my numbers exploded on Saturday, March 2, 2013, with a few hundred hits on the blog and over 1500 hits on
According to Google, it was a "Direct" link. No website given. I'd love to know where that "Direct link" came from.
Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: I did find this link which references the Coffee Logic post, as well as the related Spiked Math version.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Keep Change Change

It's the little things that amuse me most. Just me, it seems.
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Adding Monomials
I mentioned this to two of the stragglers still working after the bell, and they asked what the summary question was. It was the one from the Combining Like Terms comic, naturally.
Let's just say that they got it ... but they didn't get it.
Not even when I repeated it to them as the gave me their work before leaving.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
"Christopher Burke, Voiceover Artist"
Chris Burke, Math Teacher is a cool title. Chris Burke, Webcartoonist is cool one, too.
Christopher Burke, Writer would be really cool, and I need to work a little more toward that without using my classwork as an excuse. But another new title I'd like to add: Christopher Burke, Voiceover Artist. Voiceover Talent might be the more preferred term, but that's something that I have to find out. There's a story. There's always a story (Writer, remember?), but this one is short. I took a class at a community college a couple of nights ago called "Voice Overs: Getting Paid to Talk". Well, if you know me, one thing I can do more than write is talk. So, if anything, it was a fun night out. And it was, too. And informative. I did worry at the start that I'd paid good money to walk into a sales pitch, but it wasn't that at all. End result: I was pretty good at it. I was off at first, but with a little direction, I was able to read the copy in front of the class the way it should be read. And at the end of the class, when we were all recorded, I got my lines done in a single take. It helped that I had a sarcastic part (oh, that's so me), but I thought for sure I'd trip over my tongue, reading and speaking at the same time, particularly without reading glasses on. The following morning, someone at the studio (and training program) called me with a critique. She liked my voice, mentioned a couple of comments the instructor had had, and told me she liked the "warm" quality of my voice for narration and nostalgic roles as well as the conversational tone and, of course, the sarcastic delivery. So, yes, this is something I would like to pursue. Something that I would like to investigate, at least. The problem, naturally, is the start-up costs. You can't get anywhere without a demo. And the demo can't be something homemade. Also, getting it done cheaply is probably just as bad; anyone can record you, but if you aren't getting any feedback, then it probably won't be very worthwhile. That being said, if you know any A/V departments or studios who have things that they wish to record, or if you're a teacher and you'd like someone to narrate one of your presentations, drop me a line. I could use the practice and the exposure. I'll ever record your voice mail message if you think it won't confuse your friends. Or even if it will. |
Friday, March 01, 2013

Add a contribution? + C, of course.
Happy Palindrome Day!
3 - 1 - 13