Moe + Larry + catalyst -> Hilarity ensues
The catalyst is from the set Stooge3: {stooge | stooge = curly, joe, or shemp}
The characters aren't meant to be avatars for real people, but I seriously considered morphing them for one cartoon just so they could say 'Good-bye'.
This cartoon reuses an old
Irregular Webcomic strip under the Creative Commons license. As such, this one strip is
created under that license.
Class Blog was a previous strip that was created under the same license.
And just to avoid confusion, although both of these strips are from IWC's Shakespeare theme, when they appear here, they are totally unrelated characters. Those particular strips lend themselves to a Teacher Center theme very nicely and they complement my (developing, but nonetheless lacking) artistic abilities.
Fathers Day 2008
Super-Stick-Man will return soon.