(C)Copyright 2019, C. Burke.
The waves are in motion.
One thought I had this year was to have Missy as herself while the others were dressed as Pokemon. Don't know if it would've worked.
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The waves are in motion.
One thought I had this year was to have Missy as herself while the others were dressed as Pokemon. Don't know if it would've worked.
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But is it a good sine? You could ask the Wishing Wells...
Depends -- is y = |.3x| sin (.8x) a good sine?
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Tis twin beauties killed the identical beasts!
I enlarged the size of this comic so I wouldn't have to crop the image too much. I was going to shrink it again afterward, but I think I've been making these comics too small all along -- something that I discovered when they asked me to increase the size of some comics so that they could be used in a text book.
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You know that I had the Weird Al version in my head as much as the original, right?
Actually, I've heard the original more often lately, albeit in a shortened form. A local singer, Charlie Romo, bookends the beginning and end about his tribute to Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. I'm dropping his name right here because you'll hear about him within the next couple years when he really breaks out. Anyway ...
Obviously, I shortened the song, but it's still longer than I originally had planned because I'd left so much out of it. Not that I had to mention everything, but when I looked at what I had mentioned, I wondered why I didn't include other stuff. And I wasn't doing any more rewrites.
As it is, I had to go with a background frame (and there are nearly 100 images behind the lyrics) and not include any characters, like Quinn correcting the pronunciation of "psi" and "phi", or any of the referenced numbers.
I don't use psi or epsilon much, either in class or in this comic, but it seemed like a good hook. Originally, it was "phi, psi" but then I realized what it sounds like the other way (Quinn's pedantry notwithstanding).
It was interesting looking back at the first 100 strips just to see how much has changed from my first year -- and not just the artwork. I used the Antronumerics(tm) a lot more (even if I didn't use that name), and they started developing personalities. But they've been used less in the past few years. The classrooms and the teachers lounge got more of the focus, especially when I started giving them names. And now I'm looking on the students so that they won't be the butt of all the jokes. Mr. 0 from f(x) News was featured quite often, but that program fell into lesser use even before a similarly named show program left the air.
Also, 2008 was an election year, and when I ran out of math jokes and needed to fill in those updates, I "went there". Looking back, even though a couple of those comics weren't too bad, overall it was a bad decision. On the other hand, there was a logo that looked like a zero that paired nicely with Mr. 0, but any plans for "Nillary" were cancelled. I avoided politics in 2012 and 2016, and I look to avoid it again this year. If I ever released a book of my first 100 strips, I'd want to leave most of these out.
Other changes are the upgrades of Paint, along with assists from a couple other programs to do little things. I'm still playing around with the size, but I'm making pixel size a little less random.
More song parodies when tunes stick in my head. Math horror movies around Halloween (fewer this year, sadly). And more Christmas comics because Christmas is fun.
What's up for the next year? I really want a wiki page of some kind. The existing one is poor, and that other wiki won't list me, despite 12 years at this. But I do have a TV Tropes page, which I did NOT create, but do occasionally try to maintain.
Thank you to everyone who comes by here to the actual blog posts, and doesn't just glance at them on social media. Thank you to the people who have been here for the long haul and gave words of encouragement.
By the way, everything in that song actually happened, just maybe not in the order presented. So there was a guy with a PhD and there was a girl who liked my parodies who didn't say much.
And despite my not having much to say, at times, I'll keep at it. Maybe even with a post for tomorrow! (Wouldn't that be cool? I have to work on it.)
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I'm happy to see that they retained the knowledge and applied it elsewhere (factorial)
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He needs to slink back to his con cave!
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It would serve him right, if he could serve at all.
Depends on whether these are clubs playing within the school or teams playing within the city under league rules.
Two more student names were to be revealed here -- and then one was cut for space. Off-screen, I've almost decided on two other names.
Formats are driving me crazy. I've pretty much given up on making the School Life strips black & white because it was actually more trouble than just using color. (Clicking the B&W option from the menu leaves everyone looking too dark and drab.) But the biggest problem here was writing and rewriting the text to say everything I wanted to say, but making it sparse enough to fit in the allotted space -- and then realizing that I was working with a differently-sized comic and not using the regular School Life frame.
O, the joys of comic creation! Some times I think it's growing pains, but after nearly 12 years, I should be done with those!
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That Terrible Toluene is a polycyclic offender.
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Claims is the previous ad may be conjecture and may not have been proven.
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I guess they need their base first. Whose base is first?
If you're a Daisy fan, you'll notice there were two things out of character in this strip.
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"Why does that say x-squared and not x-cubed?" "I meant to do that to see if you were paying attention. You are. Very good."
Of course, I had to have a mistake in a comic about making mistakes. Other than planning on spreading out the dialogue before realizing that I just didn't have the room.
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Floppy eyes.
They may be out of date, but the Save icon hasn't changed yet.
I thing that it funny is how I do these "minis" to save time when I don't have enough for a full comic -- and yet I spend so much time making these work.
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.