(Click on the comic if you can't see the full image.)
(C)Copyright 2016, C. Burke.
Shoutout to Jason Deeble's Monster Haiku. I met Jason up at Lunacon.
Best part about it was that I hadn't quite made it over to his table in the Dealers Room when he called me over, recognized me and remembered me from (x, why?). Made my day, and I gave him one of first of my first-ever (x, why?) bookmarks. Next day, he calls me over, and we're deriving the formula for the surface area of a sphere with another dealer. The life of math teachers!
I met Jason two years ago (and maybe the year before that, too). I had given him a sheet with some of my comics on it, and he had actually already seen it somewhere in the hotel, near the freebies table. And he remembered me two years later, so ... Cool Guy.
And check out Monster Haiku. (Not an April Fools prank!)
I thought about switching comics with someone, but that trope is getting kinda old, which is to say that I got the idea way to late to actually arrange it.
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.