He'll be right on the trail. Hopping on down the bunny trail.
Happy Easter!
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
He'll be right on the trail. Hopping on down the bunny trail.
Happy Easter!
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
At least I didn't make a 'multiplying' joke.
Funny thing is how easily they copy & paste when they're lined up like that!
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
It's a sine that I'm hungry!
Next up: Another Sherlock Holmes spoof of The Sine of the Fork.
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
Obviously, they're imaginary! The spuds, that is.
Don't let historical inaccuracies (like letters walking across the beach) spoil a good comic!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
I say "Usually" because: a) I don't always blog about it, and b) last year, there was no Lunacon because of reorganization (to put it kindly). Part of that reorganization saw me getting involved with the con that I've enjoyed for a quarter-century now. And that meant eventually volunteering for something, some committee or other. Well, they also needed people to appear on the panels. I've had others (not committee members) suggest to me that I should, and I've been reluctant to. Who, me?
Well, this year, I volunteered. I have to remind myself sometimes that I am, in fact, a published author, even if I'm not as prolific as those I usually go to see. Hey, at least my bio won't be boring.
In case anyone can make it to Rye Brook this weekend, here is my schedule (barring the unforeseen):
No "web comics" panel, but there is always the option to "make your own panel". Maybe on Sunday morning, since Saturday is so crazy. We could call it Webcomics for Fun and ... Well, Just Fun, Really.
If I'm not mistaken "Westchester Ballroom D4" has been part of the Dealers Room for the past bunch of years. I don't remember that designation for any panels. That would mean that they've shaken things up a bit, or at least rearranged things.
But Change is Good! (Like volunteering after all these years!)
EDIT: It turns out that I misunderstood my email because of the way it was formatted. It listed a couple that I was interested in, but was not included in. I didn't realize this until I viewed the program. I doubt I'm needed as an alternate -- both of those panels have 4 or 5 panels on them already.
Beware. Their music is deadly!
Happy Pi Day!
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
It's a minimum here. It's a maximum there. Here a min. There a max. Everywhere a turning point!
Long-time readers are asking, What's a Parabola?.
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.
Flush! He was going to say 'flush'. And you know what that would make Henry, right? Don't go there.
For the record, numerics in that society would not debase any others by assigning numerical values to operations performed in the john.
Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.