Thursday, April 04, 2019

Budget Cuts, Part 4

(Click on the comic if you can't see the full image.)

(C)Copyright 2019, C. Burke.

Bad enough that odd-numbered waists above 33 are impossible to find with jeans, but underwear uses ranges like 34-36 and 38-40! What's a 37 to do? (Hopefully, I'll never find out, but the day may be coming!)

Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.


FredGNoVa said...

Think I got the answer (no size 35 waist) as I am in that range. For 20" waist next size 1" up is 5% growth. At 37" the growth is 2.7%. When we are in that range we would be buying new slacks twice as often if it were incremented by 1".

(x, why?) said...

I don't know about buying slacks twice as often since my waist size hasn't changed much in the past 20 years. If I need new slacks, I might try two sizes on to see what fits -- which I do anyway because some brands/cuts just don't fit correctly.

Problem is that should I gain weight (more a likelihood than losing a full size or two), and my pants started getting uncomfortable, the first option open to my will be a waistband that's practically sliding off of me. And I'm not one of those, Hey my underwear is showing, so what? Nope, not me. I'll start exercising before I move up another 2 sizes!