Monday, December 18, 2023

New Book: Burke's Lore, Briefs: A Heavenly Date / My Damned Best Friend

Long-time readers know that I like to write. Short-term readers might realize this as well considering that I end almost every point with an ad for a collection of my stories and for an anthology that I appear in.

The new book is self-published, which is something that people have been telling me that I should do. It is not the book that I've been working on for a couple years now. That book is going to be called Burke's Lore, with a subtitle to be revealed at a later time.

This book is the first in a series of short stories, about 6000 - 8000 words, and will sell as an ebook for 99 cents. Amazon let me add a paperback for no set-up cost, so I did. If you want a physical book, it'll cost $4.00 plus shipping, unless you find me at a convention and save the shipping.

Here are the images of the covers:

First lesson learned: an ebook only needs a front cover, but a paperback needs a wraparound cover. When I uploaded the same image, Amazon's program zoomed in on it. It didn't look bad, but the text was mostly missing. So I uploaded the image without the text and used their programming to add the title and back cover text. Next time, I'll double the size of the image so I have a back and a front cover, even if the back is just grey or light blue or something.

More lessons to be learned in coming days, like, don't screw up the author name. It didn't include my middle initial on one version, which isn't a big deal, except that Good Reads now thinks that the two versions were written by two different people. Something to keep an eye on in the future.

Finally, these books are live, and you can buy them. It's 99 cents for the ebook (FREE in Kindle Unlimited) and $4.00 plus shipping for the paperback. If you enjoy them, please leave a rating, review or feedback on Amazon, Good Reads or anywhere on social media. Thank you in advance.

I have to run now, but I'll update the after text in a little while.

I also write Fiction!

You can now order my newest book Burke's Lore, Briefs: A Heavenly Date / My Damned Best Friend, written by Christopher J. Burke, which contains the aforementioned story and a bonus story.
Order the softcover or ebook at Amazon.

Also, check out In A Flash 2020, by Christopher J. Burke for 20 great flash fiction stories, perfectly sized for your train rides.
Available in softcover or ebook at Amazon.

If you enjoy it, please consider leaving a rating or review on Amazon or on Good Reads.

Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.


  1. YES! I'm so happy to see your new book!

  2. Thank you, my Anonymous friend. And if you choose to get a copy, I hope you enjoy it. And if you enjoy it, I hope you'll consider putting a rating or review on Good Reads or Amazon.

    Thank you again!
