Sunday, April 16, 2023

Factors and Perfect Squares

(Click on the comic if you can't see the full image.)
(C)Copyright 2023, C. Burke. "AnthroNumerics" is a trademark of Christopher J. Burke and (x, why?).

What do you get when you multiply six times nine?

Something fundamentally wrong with this comic, perhaps.

Okay, so this started as the answer to a calendar puzzle (which, as of this writing, has not been posted. The original didn't have Mark in it. But since it did have 42, it made sense to add him to my comic. It would've made less sense for the calendar solving folks as they're less familiar with my characters and what they usually wear.

Since it wasn't posted, I didn't want this to go to waste. Unfortunately, I realize that everything hinges on an arbitrary puzzle, but I didn't want to rewrite all the dialogue to add extra jokes. Such is life. At least we now know that Mark and Brigid have something in common... assuming Mark knows the significance of the number 42, that is.

UPDATE: The comic literally posted as I was preparing this blog entry. The calendar caretaker had been traveling and hadn't seen my email. It appears here:

I also write Fiction!

You can now order Devilish And Divine, edited by John L. French and Danielle Ackley-McPhail, which contains (among many, many others) three stories by me, Christopher J. Burke about those above us and from down below.
Order the softcover or ebook at Amazon.

Also, check out In A Flash 2020, by Christopher J. Burke for 20 great flash fiction stories, perfectly sized for your train rides.
Available in softcover or ebook at Amazon.

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Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.

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