Friday, January 02, 2015

First Shoutout of the Year

I have to give a shoutout to "Life, the Universe and One Brow". According to the statistics I've been able to gather, after social media sites and search engines, One Brow was the first blog to send me traffic, and the only one to crack the top ten. It's strange to see the blogging landscape change as more people find me through news feeds (and other RSS feeds) than through other blogs they read, but social media has risen. The people have spoken with their clicks (not even mouse-clicks) that they like a centralized repository for their links.

"Mr. Brow" is a part-time teacher and full-time software engineer, and his musings can be found at .

As for my other stats for 2014, they were actually quite boring.

If you exclude links to the main page of the blog, which were considerable, and just look at the individual pages people landed on, my comics took a bit of a hit. I'm hoping that's because people just come to the page and see them without clicking on an individual page, but I really don't know.

Of the top 20 pages, only three were comics, and only one of those from 2014. (Coffee Logic" still gets top honors because of the link from Spiked Math, which have a big cult following. I'm forever grateful that Mike always gives a tip of the hat to my site when there something here that's similar to something he's done.

I shouldn't surprise anyone that the links with the most hits were all related to the New York Regents exams. Those pages get hits in the run-up to exams as students look for explanations to old problems as well as in the days immediately following each exam as I review the new tests.

Biggest shocker was the Top 20 placement of this column: Hey, Internet: Where's My Picture of Me and Ann B. Davis?

I think that speaks for itself and the Internet pretty well.