Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Getting Real

(Click on the cartoon to see the full image.)
(C)Copyright 2012, C. Burke. All rights reserved.

It doesn't get more Real than squaring an unknown value and calling a math teacher a moron.


  1. If I may - I'd be so bold as to point out a typo: it should be square, not sqaure.

  2. Oh, it just got Real...

    Of course, be so bold. (Otherwise, someone else will be.) That's one of those words where my fingers get ahead of me sometimes. Unfortunately, the paint program doesn't have spellcheck nor autocorrect, and I missed it proofreading.

    It'll get fixed by the end of the day. It's difficult to do at school.


    (Feel free to sign in when you leave a comment -- it's nice to know if different people are leaving them.)

  3. Typo is fixed on the blog.

    It's queued up on the comic-only site. When that'll happen is anyone's guess. I can't seem to force matters.
