Friday, June 22, 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Mathematician -- Book Two

(Click on the cartoon to see the full image.)
(C)Copyright 2012, C. Burke. All rights reserved.

There is a subset of set P, the set of people, which is always a subset of set F, the set of fooled people.
There are times when the set P and set F are equivalent.

EDIT:It's Friday evening, so this is still today's strip. I updated the chart. It didn't seem right to me last night, and I tweaked it. I just didn't tweak it correctly. Oopsie. Lincoln must've been better at this than I am.


  1. A ⊂ A ∩ B ==> a ≡ B...

    perhaps you meant A ⊃ A ∩ B

    A = {people }

    B = {x| fooled(x)}

  2. Could be.

    I threw it the set stuff at the last minute. The graph was my original idea. I thought it needed something else to it.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to look up what you wrote just to make sure I'm following. Teach Algebra for 8 years (after JHS math for 2), and some of it starts to slip away from you.

  3. I am unable to understand your query but i like to
    Please provide simpler solution for easy assistance just like Abacusprovide for maths calculation.
    Waiting for your reply..
