Monday, January 11, 2010

Euler's Debate

(Click on the cartoon to see the entire image.)
(C)Copyright 2009, C. Burke. All rights reserved.

It's correct. Why? Because I said so. It's just obvious.
Blame Euler for the rest.


  1. Heh very nice.
    pi says: "It's self evident that i should go first."
    i says: "AHA!!!"

    Love the a priori reference!

  2. And only one new character, although he was based on an existing i.

  3. I usually check these things before I post -- and it would have been easy considering that I provided a link, but I got the formula *wrong*.

    I inserted minuses instead of pluses. It took a few hours, but someone pointed it out to me via email.

    The xwhy site has been updated. The blog will be fixed once I get home. I can't update the picture from work, believe it or not.

  4. No worries. Once in a while you are supposed to post errors on purpose to see who's paying attention. The interwebz LOVES nitpicking ;-)
