Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Odd Couple

(C)Copyright 2008, C. Burke. All rights reserved.

The TV series has never been off the air since its original 1970-75 run.
The quote, however, is based on one from the
movie, which makes Fivex a bit of a Lemmon.


  1. One of my favorite mental exercises: making new definitions for government acronyms!

  2. Everyone thinks I'm a hypochondriac. It makes me sick.

  3. Well, just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean that people aren't following me.

  4. There are more fools in the world than there are people.

  5. Yes, yes, there are. I'll admit to four. You?

  6. As a teacher, I'd like to believe that I reduce the foolish population, particularly, the "sophomores".

  7. Need a very large ruck for that ego? I'm a teacher, too. But I'll admit to my follies! Isn't that the first step?

  8. I said, "I'd like to believe".
    I didn't say that I did, but you never know whose parents (or whose boss) might be reading this.

  9. Parents understand much more than that which they are credited by educators (from the mouth of a teenager's mom! - whom regularly curses the Pre-AP Alg. teacher.) I could so much go on and on and on... but, someone really may be reading (paranonia much?)

    "What ever made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise?"
    "We were merely freshmen."
