Monday, December 23, 2024

Cosine of the Bells

(Click on the comic if you can't see the full image.)
(C)Copyright 2024, C. Burke. "AnthroNumerics" is a trademark of Christopher J. Burke and (x, why?).

cos(bells) = ring4

I'm glad I was able to get in one holiday comic this year. I love Christmas. It's a favorite time of year. However, the past couple of years ... life has a way of helping you reflect on quiet moments and enjoy family, which keeps me away from making comics, which take time.

If there isn't another update before Wednesday, have a Merry Christmas Day and enjoy your holidays!

I also write Fiction!

The NEW COLLECTION IS AVIALABLE! A Bucket Full of Moonlight, written by Christopher J. Burke, contains 30+ pieces of short stories and flash fiction. It's available from eSpec Books!
Order the softcover or ebook at Amazon.

Vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, used-car salesmen, fairies, superheroes, space and time travel, and little gray aliens talking to rock creatures and living plants.

My older books include my Burke's Lore Briefs series and In A Flash 2020.

If you enjoy my books, please consider leaving a rating or review on Amazon or on Good Reads. Thank you!

Come back often for more funny math and geeky comics.

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