Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Treats

(Click on the cartoon to see the entire image.)
(C)Copyright 2008, C. Burke. All rights reserved.

Christmas is about more than the giving and receiving.
It's also about the baking and the eating.


  1. I found your blog and think it is wonderful that you are able to use this in your teaching. I happened upon #024, Dinner Party, Part 1. I could not find it under the Feb 2008 date so am leaving my comment here. The "I bet your one mean chef" should read 'I bet you're one mean chef'. You're is the contraction for you are. Don't know if you can correct it now. Please don't be offended. I think teachers should use correct grammar and not pass on erroneous information to their students. My students (science teacher) sometimes come to me with misconceptions that they have learned from previous teachers. Good Luck!

  2. Not offended at all and I appreciate the correction. I usually catch mistakes like "your/you're", but sometimes they slip through.

    I don't have time for a proofreader and have to rely on myself. At this point, I'll probably just leave it, and maybe note the error. If I even copy it into a worksheet for the students, I cut-and-paste a correction.

    On a side note, one "Christmas Treat" that I just bought this week was a jar of "Your Nuts!", sugar-coated almonds -- a nice play on the same contraction.

  3. Found the link:

    It was from January 2008, before I started the Comic Genesis site. As such, "Dinner Party, part 1" didn't appear there until late February.
